Last week Aardvark Chekhov rocked the spot with a pile of disco, funk, boogie, and soul vinyl. Not to mention a few original tunes in between. Lots of gems in the playlist. Listen to the audio below:
Thanks again to Aaron for coming through the studio. Check him out on his own show Thursday nights on WRBB. You can also stay up with his latest endeavors at Tag Team Olympics, and learn more about the Berklee turntable class Aaron TA's alongside Stephen Webber in this press release (can't seem to find additional info on how to register for that summer workshop). Did I mention I'm a huge fan of Aaron's original material? So much so I wanted to share a few here on the page. Definitely influenced by his selections, here are two laid back jawns: Aardvark Chekhov - AFP
Join me again tomorrow evening. Nothing crazy on the schedule as of now, but you never know what might materialize!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Special guest on the air this evening...
Quick update! Special selections from prolific beat maker and Berkeley School of Music Turntable Lab associate Aardvark Chekhov TONIGHT on Mofo Radio! When not hanging out in a room full of 1200's, the Aardvark (Aaron), holds down his own piece of the radio pie WRBB (now officially my former stomping grounds). We'll hear some vinyl cuts and hopefully some original beats from his crates later on.
Playlist from last week is here. I've been keeping myself busy packaging up my secret source of Wiimoteairhorns, The Dadsampler, for some kind of release if you will. Check it out if you're audio savvy! And listen up tonight to here me and Aaron on the set!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
shouts at philly
what's up! posting overdue! this flyer is dated, but too goodlookin not to post!
I'm back. I've been back. Program last week was illin. Thanks to Emynd and Bo Bliz for sending over some exclusivos for the playlist, and then showing up the next day to rock the spot in JP. They killed it on the out of towner tip, playing classic party rockers and a suprising amount of their own edits that worked the floor. They even busted out a quick New Orleans Bounce set, really catchy stuff. We'll hear more from them in the program this evening, and you can always watch Crossfaded Bacon to nab a few of their mixes and tracks for your itunes.
In addition to being great DJ's, E and B are a blast to hang out with, although I wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with Bliz at this time of night (pause):
While on the subject of live milky way talk, Milky Way Thursday does it again this week!
Summer is pretty well set to be the jam. See you on the air tonight.
editz: I'm on the air now. TUNE IN!
MoFo Radio Airs:
Wednesdays 10pm to 1am
on WZBC 90.3 fm in Newton
on the web at: