Lone Wolf came through the studio last week, depicted above rocking Kwaito, Baile, and Juke CDs all acquired at their places of cultural origin in his recent travels, as well as additional gems from the throw back thinkpad! Funk, disco, freestyle, and a heavy dose of hip hop also lace this episode amidst requests and shout outs from radio land. Check the audio below, and catch some additional CD detail snaps here.
I've been a long time fan of Kevin's online offerings via Todo Mundo, in addition to his live sound where he hosts a monthly party of the same name at the Milky Way, and spins other gigs around town. Big ups again to him for coming through, it was great to sit down and hash stuff out!
I'm back on the air Wed. Rocking it solo but I may have some grievances to air/bombs to drop. See you then:
MoFo Radio Airs:
Wednesdays 10pm to 1am
on WZBC 90.3 fm in Newton
on the web at: wzbc.org.